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CLUSTER is firstly the joining together of a group of Life Communities. Normally, this is done in alignment with one of of our locations or Sunday gatherings. CLUSTER comes together on the 'off fortnight' from LIFECOMS. 

It is at a CLUSTER level and gathering that we do more 'stage' specific discipleship training and also do team meetings for other initiatives that are united initiatives. 

At CLUSTER we presently do Four sequential courses. 


101 - Discover Jesus (for seekers and new believers) around the reason for Jesus.

201 - Follow Jesus (for those new to Divergent or those who have completed 101 and are developing their knowledge around following Jesus in every day life. 

301 - Lead like Jesus (for those learning to lead others toward Christ and lead in the context of a life community)


401 - Jesus Kingdom (for those who are leading, giving them the next edge in growing as a leader in every sphere of life) 

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